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Cadillac BLS 2005 to 2009 Windscreen Wiper Blades

Guaranteed to fit

All of the following wiper blades will fit a Cadillac BLS 2005 to 2009 Onwards model which requires a 22" wiper blade on the drivers side and a 22" for the passengers side. This model uses the Standard Hook arm attachment to fix the blade to the wiper arm.

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Michelin Stealth
Show key features
  • Multi-Clip Fitment
    With the EZ-Lok Connector System for wider vehicle coverage.
  • Flexible Frame
    For optimal windshield contact along the length of the wiper blade.
  • Hybrid Design
    Durable soft cover to provide maximum flexibility.
Show size and code
Size 22" (550mm)
Code MSW12922
Save £3.28
including VAT & delivery