Tips for Tackling Frost on Your Windscreen This Winter
As the temperatures drop, we’ve rounded up our top tips to help you beat the frost in...

Against all belief, October is coming to an end – and it won’t be long until the wintery season is upon us.
With the lower temperatures we’ve already seen, you might even have started to notice a thin frost on your windshield in the mornings.
Don’t panic! We’ve rounded up our best tips to help you tackle frosty windscreens this season and make those wintry mornings less of a dread.
How to take care of your wiper blades
In the winter, your wiper blades are more likely to freeze up overnight when the temperature drops. This means you’ll need to take care of them and proceed very carefully when it comes to clearing your windscreen.
If your windshield is covered in frost or ice, do not operate your wiper blades in an attempt to clear it. This could damage your wiper blades and make them far less effective.
Instead, use a good-quality de-icer to coat your wiper blades and screen to help thaw the frost. You’ll need to wait until any ice or frost has cleared completely from your windscreen before using your wipers.
Other tips to help maintain your wiper blades in the winter include:
- Regular cleaning to make sure they are free of any dirt or debris.
- Using winter windscreen washer fluid that can withstand colder temperatures.
- Placing a cloth or piece of cardboard underneath to stop them from sticking to the windscreen.
- Replacing your wiper blades if old, worn, or damaged – with our handy vehicle search tool, it’s easy to find the correct wipers first-time!
Tip: Did you know you can buy windscreen washer pods at Wiper Blades? Mixed with water, you can make up to five litres of windscreen wash to top up your vehicle in minutes!
How to clear frost from windscreens – fast
It’s a dark winter morning and you can already feel the chill as your 6:30 alarm goes off. You open the curtains to check the weather and – to your dismay, find your car is like an ice box.
It’s everyone’s worst dread during the winter mornings, and you just want to get into your car as quickly as possible and be on your way. So, what’s the best way to clear your windscreen of frost and ice – that won’t make you late for work?
There are a few things we’d recommend to make those early starts less frantic this winter. Such as:
Place a frost shield over your windscreen
They say preparation is key, and this quick provision can help to prevent frost and ice from forming on your windscreen. Make sure to get a frost screen that’s big enough to cover your entire windscreen, including your wiper blades. When the morning comes, you should be able to lift it off to find little or no frost!
Use a scraper and de-icer
De-icer really does what it says on the tin, and when paired with a scraper it’s one of the quickest ways to clear your windscreen. Make sure to invest in a good-quality de-icer and give your windscreen a good coating before gently scraping off any stubborn bits of frost.
Switch on the engine and hot air right away
Amid the morning rush, it might be tempting to douse your windscreen in de-icer and get to it. But first, remember to switch on the engine and hot air vents to start warming up your vehicle from the inside. This will help to avoid misting and melt any frost or ice.
Tip: Try lowering your sun visors and tilt them towards your windscreen along with your air vents to direct the hot air where it matters most!
As well as the do’s there are a few don’ts you should keep in mind:
- Operate your wiper blades until your windscreen is completely clear
- Use force to loosen frozen wipers from your windscreen
- Pour any water (warm, cold, or boiling) onto a frozen windscreen
- Set off with a frozen windscreen and assume it will clear on the go
With the potential to cause damage to your vehicle or, worse, result in an accident, it’s not worth cutting any corners. Instead, with a bit of preparation the night before and allowing extra time to de-ice your car, you’ll find that icy windscreens don’t have to be such a pain.
For the ultimate preparation, check out our winter kits available to order online. These contain everything you’ll need this winter to beat the chill – from screenwash and de-icer to gloves, a thermal cup and more.